Swap BEP-2 for BEP-20 BNB Asset
Step by step guide to swap BEP2 "Binance Chain Network" asset to BEP20 "Binance Smart Chain Network"
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Step by step guide to swap BEP2 "Binance Chain Network" asset to BEP20 "Binance Smart Chain Network"
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Some Exchanges (Coinspot, HitBTC, etc) trade BNB on the "Binance Chain Network". You will notice that the addresses on the Binance Chain Network will start with "bnb". These tokens will not be able to be transferred directly to wallets like Metamask or TrustWallet without doing a conversion to the Binance Smart Chain. This page will cover the conversion process using the Binance Chrome Extension.
Please Note: If you have an account on the Binance Exchange, then you can send your BNB coins there to convert.
Go to this address in your Google Chrome or other compatible web browser
Click “Add to” to add to your browser’s extensions, then read the warning in the notification box and if you agree, click “Add extension”.
The Binance Chain Wallet chrome extension is now accessible from the top of your browser whenever you may need it. You may choose to ‘pin’ it to the top bar by clicking the jigsaw piece icon and clicking the pin icon next to the extension.
You may now choose to import an existing wallet or create a new one.
For the purpose of this guide; we will be creating a new wallet, as we are only using this extension to bridge between BEP2 and BEP20. It will not be our main wallet, we will transfer our BEP20 token to our Metamask wallet as the final step
Create your wallet and select a strong password.
Save your Mnemonic Phrase. This step is very important especially if you will be re-using this wallet/extension. If you do not properly backup this set of 12 words, you will have no way of recovering your wallet in the event of losing access to it!
Press Continue to proceed to phrase verification
Confirm your Mnemonic
Congratulations — your BC Wallet chrome extension is now ready to act as a bridge for your BEP2 and BEP20 assets.
Now you will need to send your BEP2 asset to your new wallet from whatever exchange/wallet you have them on.
Open up your Binance Chain chrome extension and ensure “Binance Chain Network” is selected.
Click on receive and copy your address.
Paste your receiving address into the “To Address” of your exchange/wallet that you want to send your BEP2 assets from.
Confirm the details and send the transaction.
The BNB asset will soon arrive in your BC Chrome Extension wallet.
Swap the network to “Binance Smart Chain” on your BC Extension (near the top of the extension).
Click on “Receive” and copy your BSC address.
Swap the network back to “Binance Chain Network” and click on “Send”. Select the BEP2 asset you would like to send.
Paste the BSC address that you copied above into the address field “Address” field.
A Note under the Address field will show that you are performing a cross chain transfer
Enter the amount, confirm details and press “Send”
Swap back to “Binance Smart Chain” network and confirm the funds have arrived.
Finally you can now send your BSC BEP20 asset into your Metamask or Trustwallet as per normal.